
"There are times in life when all else seemingly falls apart, but His love is strong, forever true and from you will never depart." - A Martin

I first said this in the computer lab at Tyndale, not really thinking about what i was saying; just trying to be poetic. I believe I was was engaged in conversation with Sarah Bulloch at the time. After I said it I thought it sounded quite good, so I wrote it down as my signature on my hotmail e-mail account. Now what is the freaking point?
The night I first made this statement, I had just spent an unreasonable amount of time in chat rooms, being completely ridiculous and utterly stupid. Not only was I waisting time procrastinating from assignments that needed to be completed, I was engaging in conversation that was completely dishonouring to God - even sinful. Probably interupted by a fellow student rather than my own conscience, I then proceeded to waist an even longer amount of time playing games online. That is when Sarah came in and started talking to me. Honestly, if it weren't for her that night, I don't know if I would be here today.
I had thought previously to this night and during that I would drop out of Tyndale and complete a trade through Sir Sanford Flemming in Peterborough (what I wanted to do in highschool). I was frustrated with myself, embarrassed of my faith - or lack thereof - and felt I would be better off leaving everything behind and starting a new life where noone knew me or had expectations for me to be a good Christian. I can't even remember what Sarah and I talked about, but I do know it was substantially challenging. And the end result was the above quotation, and remaining at Tyndale.
Since that night I have reconsidered what I had been thinking before, only to once again be reminded that no matter what I do, how much I fail and turn my back on God, and when I've come to the end of myself and my limits as Andrew Martin I can think of this, "...when all else seemingly falls apart...His love is strong, forever true, and from [me] will never depart."


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