
i just posted this entry on my xanga. i thought it would be worth putting up here too incase someone actually reads this. i dont always copy and paste the entries...just so you know.

Something to Think About

is it ever a wonder how important communication is in all aspects of life? for parents to children and vise versa the importance of clear and effective communication could be the difference between an openly rebelious and unruly child to one who is obedient and respectful. for friends and peers, communication is important to understand one's personal boundaries, what is appropriate and in what context one should address certain issues. for lovers, being able to express how one feels whether it be through words or actions is vital to maintaining a healthy relationship. there are many other examples that could be used such as sports teams, student/teacher relations, etc. the point i'm getting at that we do not communicate.
communication is by one definition: the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. interchange...it goes both ways. you have to listen, pay attention if you want to communicate effectively.
another definition says communication is: activity by one organism that changes or has the potential to change the behavior of other organisms. what you communicate has the potential to change the behaviour of someone else. whether you know it or not, you are always communicating something to someone. yes, they could be mis interpretting it and need to pay closer attention, but you too need to be careful of what you are communicating to others.
so why talk about communication? there are numerous reasons, one being recent developments that have come from a lack of communication. the other being paul in galatians 2:2.
the amplified bible says that paul had a private meeting with the important officials and people of "repute" in the city before sharing the gospel message with the large crowds of gentiles. he did this because he wanted to clearly communicate to them the importance of Jesus as Messiah and the gospel message in a setting where there would be the least possible chance of miscommunicating something.
Communication is vital for us, not merely as people who live in this world, but as Christians who are called to share teh gospel with those around us, being a light to the nations and demonstrating the love of Christ. are we communicating these things in the way we live and what we say? something to think about...i know i have to.


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