
finances and blessings

as you may or may not have known. i have been struggling with financial debt for some time. this may not be surprising based on the knowledge that i'm a full time undergraduate student. however, this is considerably more than just borrowing money on loans. i was out of school for over 6 months this past year, thus forcing me into the dreaded payment status with the national students loans services. i made payments over the summer months, thinking that once i sent in the confirmation of enrollment form that is available off the internet osap application, everything would be taken care of. was i ever mistaken! they refused to process my loan application for this current school year, and compiled my outstanding interest to a date in october, making what i owe them over $320 in order to be elidgable to receive osap this year. but with school payments for tution, rent, hydro, phone and food to pay for, i was left with little over $5 in my bank account. that's not a lot, even for a child. but thank you lord i go to a christian institution where the financial aid office has quite generously not only sorted out miscommunications and errors made by national student loans, but also provided means by which i will be able to remain in school this year. it's just a huge blessing that has recently come my way, and i felt it deserved a post.


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