
The BIG 8

1. Last kiss: on stage with Amie Vermeer
2. last beverage: high quality H2O
3. last phone call: my brother to get a password for a new computer program
4. last text message: never, dont have a cell phone!
5. last cd played: johnny cash - live from folsom prison
6. last BUBBLE bath: i don't recall
7. last time you cried: not too sure on that one either
8. last meal: kraft dinner

SEVEN have yous
1. have you ever dated someone twice?: yes
2. have you ever been cheated on?: yes
3. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?: yes
4. have you ever fallen in love?: yes
5. have you ever lost someone?: yes
6. have you ever been depressed?: more often than i would like
7. have you ever peed your pants?: heck yes. you're not cool unless you pee your pants

SIX things you did in the past three days:
1. Went to school: does today count?
2. Went to work: yes
3. Colored: does paint program on the computer count?
4. Got High: altitude wise or other?
5. Got drunk: no
6. Slept: yes, and i didn't get enough

FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to:
1. Laurie
2. Nate
3. Ryan
4. Mel
5. not sure on the last one

FOUR things that you can't live without:
1. family
2. friends
3. food
4. water

THREE favorite colors.
1. pink
2. blue
3. silver

TWO things you want to do before you die
1. backpack across europe
2. go rock climbing in swtizerland

ONE thing you regret
1. not studying enough


At 4:36 p.m., Blogger Nathan said...

Quite the list :) And I even made it onto it! I feel special :)


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