I should be doing homework right now. I have so much work to catch up on, so much crap that I really don't see the use for right now. Why am I filling my life with so much worry, stress, negativity and anxiety? I really do not have an answer for that. I've thought about the possibilities available to me when I finish, but there is no real resolution in my mind to do one specific thing for the rest of my life. I've thought about teaching, and so far that just seems to make the most sense...only I don't really like school and don't have the grades to get into teacher's college. I don't know. I'm just very confused and don't know what the next step is; I just know I have to take it.
Love is never having to say you're sorry - Jamie Sullivan
Andrew! Frig I missed your play, I'm sorry. I was really hoping to see you star again but alas, time flew by and its over. Don't worry about mine, I KNOW how busy school is right now for everyone!
Yes I do hope to see you soon, I still miss popping up to your apartment to visit, because you are such an easy relaxed friend to do that with. Let me know when you are coming, and have a great day Mr!
yes, yes... it is about time i posted something new... but if it's any consolation i THINK about the things i would like to write blog entries about... that's gotta count for something. :) jokes. i am going to try to be better at updating once the week of writing papers is over.
hi a-mar
i saw you on dan jupp's wii.
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