
100 Questions:
1. Name: Andrew
2. Middle Names: Lincoln
3. Province: Ontario
4. Place of Birth: Belleville
5. Zodiac Sign: Leo
6. Male or Female: Male
7. Bus most commonly taken: right now the HSR 34
8. School: Redeemer University
9. Occupation: Student
10. Initials: ALM
11. Screen Name: which one?
-Your Appearance-
12. Hair Color: Brown
13. Hair Length: getting longer
14. Eye color: greenish blue
15. Best Feature: my charming personality of course
16. Height: 5'11”
17. Braces: never
18. Glasses: reading
19. Age: 22
20. Diploma: the most recent was Tyndale University College - BRE
-Your 'Firsts'-
22. First best friend: Chadd Campbell
23. First Award: that was a long time ago
24. First Sport You Joined: bowling
25. First thing you did today: probably opened my eyes
26. First Real vacation: going to the East coast with my family in 1990
27. First thing you said when you were a baby: i was mute
28. First Love: first actual love was amity lynn. First crush was jenna smith in kindergaten- Favorites-
29. Movie: The Little Mermaid
30. TV Show: Gilmore Girls
32. Artist: visual artists? Samuel Martin, DaVinci, Norman Rockwell
33. Place to shop: any restaurant
34. Food: Kraft dinner
35. Season: Winter – just because
36. Candy: not sure
37. Sport: Rugby
38. Restaurant: Vito's Pizzeria, Ace's Family Restaurant
39. Favorite Clothing:my little pink thong
40. Store: the cheapest restaurant
41. School Subject: physical education
42. Animal: koala bear
43. Book: not sure
44. Magazine: don't know-Currently-
45. Doing before you started this survey: typing Psych notes
47. Single or Taken: definitely single
48. Crying about: the loss of innocence in a corrupted and sin-tainted world
49. Eating: nothing
50. Drinking: hot chocolate
53. Listening To: breakfast in hell - newsboys
54. Thinking About: nothing imparticular
55. Wanting: to be done school but not have pressures of the real world
56. Watching: the computer screen
57. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?: working or finishing grad school
58. Kids?: oh about two dozen littlens
59. Want to be Married: one day after my life's ambitions have been fulfilled
60. Careers in Mind: teacher, professor, professional squeegy kid, something with athetics/recreation, actor, stay at home dad-Which is Better with the Opposite Sex-
63. Hair color: it doesn't matter
64. Hair length: depends how it compliments the facial features
65. Eye color: doesn't matter
66. Personality or Looks: personality
67. Cute or sexy: cute is sexy
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes definitely
69. Hugs or Kisses: depends, are we talking chocolates or the real thing?
70. Short or Tall: doesn't matter
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneity is romantic
73. Good or Bad: definitely good
74. Sensitive or Loud: possibility for both
75. Hook-up or Relationship: well i'd want her to be single when I meet her
76. Harley or Car: harley
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: depends on what the situation is
-Have you ever-
78. Kissed a stranger: yes...it was quite awkward
79. Smoked: never
80. Streaked: too many times
81. Ran Away From Home: once...i packed up my bag and sneaked away to grandmas across the road.
82. Broken a bone: many
83. Got an X-ray: many
84. Got a broken bone: currently, no
85. Broke Someones Heart: unfortunately
86. Dumped someone: once
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes
88. Cried At School: in grade school when i got a spanking from my teacher (it was my mom)
-Do You Believe In-
89. God: for sure
90. Miracles: Yes
91. Love at First sight: it is possible
92. Ghosts: no
93. Aliens: no answer
94. Soul Mates: depends
95. Heaven: Yes
96. Hell: Yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: not if it leads to sex – inside joke
99. Horoscopes: some are freakishly accurate, but there's usually at least one thing that's just off
-Answer Truthfully-
100. Is there someone you're thinking about right now?: yes.


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