
I am me.

I cannot believe that I'm being chastized by someone about an issue they weren't even involved in. I realize the are concerned for the other person involved, seeing as they are engaged, but come on! If you feel like you are mature and responsible enough to be married then you should at least have the maturity to address your own issues and concerns with me to me! FRIG! Tell me you have a problem with me yourself! As for the other one chastizing me...were you asked to do so by this other person? Do you honestly think that I am not aware that what I say has an effect on other people? I said what I said and in the manner I did not to tear them down. I was not trying to evoke a sense of guilt or shame on them. They simply are not used to someone actually standing up and disagreeing with what they're saying. You're intended future spouse walks over you without you realizing it. You let them force their opinions on you, and you simply allow it to happen because you say that you love them. Well SHIT! I'm not the one marrying them, I am not going to compromise what I think for their sake, and I certainly am not going to be made to feel guilty about being who I am.


At 10:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i can see how that would be very very frustrating and from what i have read from your post i back you up 100% on this!

At 10:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

andrew, this post scares me. you know i'm here to talk to if you feel you have nobody else, or if you just want to. i know, i offer that to you a lot...and you have yet to really take me up on it. but i just want you to know that i'm serious when i offer it. and i promise i won't preach to you...:)anyways, thanks for the keys and i'll see you on sunday. do you need a ride to church?


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