
100 Questions:
1. Name: Andrew
2. Middle Names: Lincoln
3. Province: Ontario
4. Place of Birth: Belleville
5. Zodiac Sign: Leo
6. Male or Female: Male
7. Bus most commonly taken: right now the HSR 34
8. School: Redeemer University
9. Occupation: Student
10. Initials: ALM
11. Screen Name: which one?
-Your Appearance-
12. Hair Color: Brown
13. Hair Length: getting longer
14. Eye color: greenish blue
15. Best Feature: my charming personality of course
16. Height: 5'11”
17. Braces: never
18. Glasses: reading
19. Age: 22
20. Diploma: the most recent was Tyndale University College - BRE
-Your 'Firsts'-
22. First best friend: Chadd Campbell
23. First Award: that was a long time ago
24. First Sport You Joined: bowling
25. First thing you did today: probably opened my eyes
26. First Real vacation: going to the East coast with my family in 1990
27. First thing you said when you were a baby: i was mute
28. First Love: first actual love was amity lynn. First crush was jenna smith in kindergaten- Favorites-
29. Movie: The Little Mermaid
30. TV Show: Gilmore Girls
32. Artist: visual artists? Samuel Martin, DaVinci, Norman Rockwell
33. Place to shop: any restaurant
34. Food: Kraft dinner
35. Season: Winter – just because
36. Candy: not sure
37. Sport: Rugby
38. Restaurant: Vito's Pizzeria, Ace's Family Restaurant
39. Favorite Clothing:my little pink thong
40. Store: the cheapest restaurant
41. School Subject: physical education
42. Animal: koala bear
43. Book: not sure
44. Magazine: don't know-Currently-
45. Doing before you started this survey: typing Psych notes
47. Single or Taken: definitely single
48. Crying about: the loss of innocence in a corrupted and sin-tainted world
49. Eating: nothing
50. Drinking: hot chocolate
53. Listening To: breakfast in hell - newsboys
54. Thinking About: nothing imparticular
55. Wanting: to be done school but not have pressures of the real world
56. Watching: the computer screen
57. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?: working or finishing grad school
58. Kids?: oh about two dozen littlens
59. Want to be Married: one day after my life's ambitions have been fulfilled
60. Careers in Mind: teacher, professor, professional squeegy kid, something with athetics/recreation, actor, stay at home dad-Which is Better with the Opposite Sex-
63. Hair color: it doesn't matter
64. Hair length: depends how it compliments the facial features
65. Eye color: doesn't matter
66. Personality or Looks: personality
67. Cute or sexy: cute is sexy
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes definitely
69. Hugs or Kisses: depends, are we talking chocolates or the real thing?
70. Short or Tall: doesn't matter
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneity is romantic
73. Good or Bad: definitely good
74. Sensitive or Loud: possibility for both
75. Hook-up or Relationship: well i'd want her to be single when I meet her
76. Harley or Car: harley
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: depends on what the situation is
-Have you ever-
78. Kissed a stranger: yes...it was quite awkward
79. Smoked: never
80. Streaked: too many times
81. Ran Away From Home: once...i packed up my bag and sneaked away to grandmas across the road.
82. Broken a bone: many
83. Got an X-ray: many
84. Got a broken bone: currently, no
85. Broke Someones Heart: unfortunately
86. Dumped someone: once
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes
88. Cried At School: in grade school when i got a spanking from my teacher (it was my mom)
-Do You Believe In-
89. God: for sure
90. Miracles: Yes
91. Love at First sight: it is possible
92. Ghosts: no
93. Aliens: no answer
94. Soul Mates: depends
95. Heaven: Yes
96. Hell: Yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: not if it leads to sex – inside joke
99. Horoscopes: some are freakishly accurate, but there's usually at least one thing that's just off
-Answer Truthfully-
100. Is there someone you're thinking about right now?: yes.


good day

what an incredible day. it's been one of those days that even though nothing exciting happened, no great revelation came from heaven, noone professed their undying love for me, yet still something inside is joyfully lifting my spirit. maybe it's because i'm done two of five exams. maybe it's because i got to hang out with a group of awesome people this afternoon. there could be a number of reasons for this joy, but instead of trying to analyze it, i'm just going to enjoy it.